Mountain Meadows Farm

Checkoff Information & Forms

The Beef Checkoff Program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. The checkoff is collected by qualified state beef councils, which retain up to 50 cents on the dollar. The state councils forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board, which oversees the national checkoff program, subject to USDA review. The checkoff program was designed to stimulate others to sell more beef and stimulate consumers to buy more beef. This can be accomplished through initiatives such as consumer advertising, marketing partnerships, public relations, education, research and new-product development.

Report Monthly Checkoff Collections

Use the Monthly Remittance Form if you regularly buy or sell cattle each month; if you regularly buy live cattle and harvest them for meat;  if you regularly harvest your own cattle and harvest them for meat; if you ship cattle to buyers outside the US; or when you have sold animals to someone.

Submit Online

The password for the form is VTBEEF. 

Mail your payment made out to:

Vermont Beef Industry Council
PO Box 151
Middlebury, VT 05753

Report Private Treaty Collections

Use the Private Treaty form when you are reporting cattle sales directly to someone else and when you have harvested your own cattle and sell the meat.  If you rarely sell/harvest cattle, you may file once a year or during the month the sale or purchase occurred, or at the end of the year.

Submit Online

No password is needed for the Private Treaty Remittance Form.  

Mail your payment made out to:

Vermont Beef Industry Council
PO Box 151
Middlebury, VT 05753

PDF Remittance Forms


Farm to Table Sign

There is a very common misconception that the checkoff is collected when animals are harvested, however that is not the case. Producers who are marketing meat directly to consumers either by quarters and halves or by the cut by law must remit the dollar, for every animal harvested to sell, directly to the Vermont Beef Industry Council. A dollar a head is due and can be remitted once a year by the seller. Since the meat is being sold to various customers the buyer is considered miscellaneous. 

Submit Monthly Checkoff Collections Online >

Download PDF Form >


Triple-U Ranch

Livestock sales are an important component of many county 4-H programs throughout the state. The sale of 4-H livestock programs are not exempt from remitting the checkoff. Check with your auction organizer to find out if the dollar checkoff was remitted on your behalf. It is important to educate our youth on all that goes into raising and marketing production animals. These sales are considered like any other private treaty sale and can be remitted once a year after fair season or cattle shows.

Submit Monthly Checkoff Collections Online >

Download PDF Form >


Dairy Cattle

The Beef Checkoff was established to include all bovines including dual-purpose animals such as dairy cattle. A dollar is collected through the sale barns every time an animal is sold regardless of it's age or stage of production. The checkoff is also due on private sale of dairy animals to other producers or cattle dealers. This includes dairy replacements and bull calves for dairy beef or veal that are sold directly to the producer.  

Submit Private Treaty Collections Online >

Download PDF Form >


ESAP 2017 Region 3

Monthly remitters may include  auction markets, order buyers, feedlots, and large scale direct marketers. Monthly remittance forms are due by the 15th of each month. 

Submit Monthly Checkoff Collections Online >

Download PDF Form >

Producer Redirection of Checkoff Assessments Form

The Beef Promotion and Research Act and Order require collection of a mandatory $1-per-head beef checkoff assessment every time cattle are sold. The Act and Order authorize State beef councils to retain up to 50 cents per head of the mandatory $1-per-head checkoff assessment for in-State research and promotion programs conducted by the State beef council. The law requires that at least 50 cents of the mandatory $1-per-head checkoff assessment be forwarded to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board (Beef Board) to help fund national beef checkoff programs. Producers may use this form to request that QSBC send the full $1-per-head beef checkoff assessment from their individual cattle sales to the Beef Board and that the QSBC not retain any portion of the individual’s assessment for its direct programming efforts.

This “Producer Redirection of Checkoff Assessment Form” must be postmarked by the 15th of the month following the month the cattle were sold and mailed to the appropriate QSBC.

Download PDF Form >

Did you know?

Every time you sell live cattle of any age, breed, purpose or number directly to another person, you are responsible for making sure that the $1-per-head beef checkoff assessment is sent to the Vermont Beef Industry Council.

The dollar is to be collected by the buyer from the seller, although both parties are responsible.

If you sell meat from your cattle, you are also required to send one dollar per head to the Vermont Beef Industry Council.

The checkoff is designed so that everyone pays their fair share.

How are the Checkoff dollars being used?

  • Beef and veal television, radio and print advertising.
  • Food safety, health and nutritional research.
  • Product technology and development.
  • Educating consumers and children about beef's role in a healthy diet.
  • Refuting issues that could negatively impact the industry.

Who pays?

By federal law, all producers selling cattle or calves, for any reason and regardless of age, breed or purpose, must pay $1 per head to support beef/veal promotion, research and information through the Beef Promotion and Research Act. The person buying the cattle is responsible for collecting $1 per head from the seller and remitting these assessments to the Beef Checkoff Program.However, failure of the buyer to collect and remit the $1-per-head beef checkoff assessment does not relieve the seller of their obligation to pay the assessment. In addition, producers harvesting their own cattle with the intent of selling beef or beef products are responsible for remitting the beef checkoff assessment. Failure to remit the $1-per-head beef checkoff assessment is a violation of the law and may be subject to a $7,500 penalty.

How do you pay?

Complete a remittance form and send it with your check to the Vermont Beef Industry Council, Inc. - PO Box 151 - Middlebury, VT 05753.